Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Working graveyard shifts is something else. You'll get use to it after many years but its not healthy especially when it comes to an irregular sleeping pattern. What grinds my gear is the quality of some coworkers who I work with is sub par. Simple tasks, really simple like making sure doors are secured by pushing it. It can't be done? One thing I've learned is if you want to do something right the first time, you might as well do it yourself. I don't really need this unnecessary stress in my life when I've tried really hard to be stress free. Thanks occupation. I need to quit smoking cigarettes. I want to live near the beach.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, April 5, 2010

got served on easter.

500 dollar subpoena from a kid i sold my wheels too. it took him a month to notify me that "supposedly" the wheels were defective. Some people. I swear. See you in court.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

madness and exhaustion

been working since the 13th of feb. finally get a day off monday the 8th of march but... i'm working the whole entire day basically the day before from 6am-2pm then back to work at 10pm until 6am. gah. getting my check direct deposited this wed should make me smile. havent "tasted" a good amount of cash in a while. oscars tomorrow should be crazy, its been crazy since a couple days ago. pedestrians were trying to sneak in. not on my watch. i was commended by the big boss which was really cool. i felt honored. funny thing happened, mary hart, a celebrity i guess was stopped by me coz she didnt have her credential. she was upset. hahaha. sorry, but rules are rules, idc whoever you are. carson daly looked like a douche as always. matt damon was there. i literally LOLed and kept saying "maaaatt daaaymon" like when south park made fun of him. anyways. crazy schedule, crazy life. good night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

busy busy busy

Feb 13, 2010 4:00pm Lucent Lamour Rave/DONE
Feb 17, 2010 5:45am Honda Center Anaheim, Ca/DONE
Feb 18, 2010 9:00am Hollywood, Ca
Feb 20-21 2010 11:00am Ragga Muffins Festival Long Beach, Ca
Feb 22-Mar 10, 2010 The Academy Awards Kodak Theatre Hollywood, Ca