Sunday, January 31, 2010

i need moolah!

my current employment is very suck-ish. not enough hours. ever. I owe the parentals moolah. I've sold whatever is left of my the sold-ables. I feel bad that i can't buy anything for my lovely gf. I used to be ballin but now ive fallen. I try not to be "depressed" about shit but sometimes i really don't have control. The only thing that's keeping me sane and happy is melissa. I'm stoked to be spending time with her soonage. my jewnicorn.

the car meet @ the block was a no-go. codey said it was lame. i believed him. i didn't feel like getting hassled by rent-a-50's. ironic. sold my red/black steering wheel and is being shipped to wisconsin. ciao.

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